8 Star Wars Mysteries You Didn't Know Were Answered

7. Who Did The Skull In Jabba's Palace Belong To? - Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi

Star Wars Mysteries

You'd be forgiven for perhaps initially assuming that Luke Skywalker had opted to hurl a rock at the button used to lower a door onto an incoming rancor during Episode VI - Return of the Jedi. 

But if you really focus on that projectile, as many a Star Wars fan have over the years, you'll actually spot that this was a skull (!) being used to take down the beast within Jabba's Palace.

And if you're scratching your own head wondering precisely which individual had suffered the wrath of the rancor and been reduced to little more than bones, well that mystery was solved away from the film.

As revealed in the Tales From Jabba's Palace Legends anthology book, Corellian pirate Bidlo Kwerve was a rival of Bib Fortuna at one point, with both of them vying to become Jabba the Hutt's majordomo. 

But it was Fortuna who earned that title, as when offered the role of majordomo or a "greater honor," Kwerve greedily went for the latter.

However, said "honor" was actually simply becoming the first person Jabba's new pet would chow down on after being dropped through the same trap door Luke would be in Episode VI.

At least he got a bit of revenge in the end, though, with his flying skull later being used to kill the monster that had taken his own life.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...