9 Biggest Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens Rumours

In a galaxy, far, far away...

By Travis Earl /

It€™s official: director J.J. Abrams & Co have finished filming the sure-to-be megahit Star Wars Episode VII. There is even an official Episode title now: The Force Awakens. It turns out the Force just need some €˜me€™ time after the events of Return of the Jedi. Unfortunately, Episode VII won€™t be released for another year, which is far too long for Star Wars fans to wait until their proverbial Star Wars itch is scratched. Like nature, the mind of a Star Wars fans abhors a vacuum: crafty spies have infiltrated the set of Episode VII from day one, bombarding the internet with leaked storyboards, costume designs, concept art, and (allegedly) massive spoilers regarding The Force Awakens€™ plot. Until a teaser trailer drops, the insatiable Star Wars fans among us must rely on hearsay for an inkling of what Episode VII might be about. To aid our readers as they navigate the murky swamp of Star Wars leaks, we have assembled the nine biggest Force Awakens rumours and ranked them from most to least likely. Hopefully, this handy road map will help you parse out fact from fabrication. Keep in mind none, or all, of these rumours may be true. We have determined the rankings based on knowledge of the Star Wars universe and movie making in general. Needless to say: potentially huge spoilers follower.