9 Biggest Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens Rumours

9. Vader Makes A Cameo

The Rumour: The website Latino Review has been particularly fond of spoiling the potential bad guys of The Force Awakens. One of the most promising rumours they've spread is that Darth Vader himself will be making a cameo in an extended flashback sequence during Episode VII. The flashback allegedly sets up the big baddies of the new trilogy. Likelihood: Extremely Likely Of all the rumours circulating around the internet, this one rings the truest for Star Wars fans. At their hearts, the original and prequel trilogies are the story of the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker. Having Vader appear in the first film of the new trilogy seems like an appropriate nod to the stories of Episodes I-VI. A Vader appearance, even a brief one, would serve to strengthen the continuity between all three trilogies. Leaving Vader out of the new trilogy seems like a bad call for the makers of The Force Awakens. Plus, Vader€™s bad-assery will help legitimize the threat posed by The Force Awakens€™ new villains. It's definitely likely that old chrome dome graces the big screen once again while hopefully delivering his signature Force Choke to anyone who steps to him. Longtime Star Wars fans should be thrilled.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.