9 Insane Movie Scenes That Are Totally Out Of Place

By T.J. Barnard /

Tone is a seriously important part of any movie, though - as with sound - you never seem to notice it until it goes wrong. A movie considered to be "tone deaf" or "tonally inconsistent" has the potential to drive somebody nuts - if the dynamics keep changing and the rules of the movie world aren't set right, how are you supposed to absorb yourself in the story? Most movies nail tone from the off, because the writers have made a conscious effort to ensure that whatever story they happen to be telling doesn't veer off into insane places that only serve to confuse and bewilder people. That's to say, you can't have a happy comedy about talking animals that ends with a violent holocaust scene - that's just not right, man. Now and again, though, some filmmakers will throw caution to the wind and forget that tone was ever a thing that they needed to consider. They'll implement wacky, questionable moments for the sheer fun of it, because why can't you have an impromptu monkey dance sequence midway through a drama about a small girl with a brain tumour? Here's 10 examples of insane or downright bizarre scenes that seems totally at odds with the movies that they're embedded within. In these cases, we're asking one simple question to the filmmakers involved: what the hell were you thinking?