9 Insane Movie Scenes That Are Totally Out Of Place

9. "Alan" - Jurassic Park III

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX0BuwT9P28 Compared to its predecessors, Jurassic Park III is a relatively mediocre venture into the realms of animated dinosaur movies, though it's certainly a fair blockbuster - and one that, at least, gave us the chance to reunite with Dr. Alan Grant for, like, 90 minutes of our time. The movie itself is occasionally thrilling, but it's mostly generic. Which is why this brief and questionable moment is just bewildering. Seriously. Click the video embedded above and watch it. That's a talking velociraptor, courtesy of Dr. Grant's dreams and anxieties. On route to the dinosaur island that this movie takes place on, he falls asleep and then this happens. But the 'raptor actually says "Alan." Like, the director took the time - a day or whatever - to film this scene and put it in his movie. Can you imagine if somebody had said to Spielberg, "Hey, you wanna prep the talking velociraptor scene now?" He would have been so confused. We're all so confused.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.