9 More Movie Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same Way After This

Cillian Murphy was genuinely terrified during an Oppenheimer scene.

By Gareth Morgan /

There's usually more to a movie scene than meets the eye.


You may have thought there was nothing strange, particularly hilarious or genuinely dangerous about certain big-screen moments, but the reveal of one little piece of behind-the-scenes information can completely change the way you view a moment in a film.

It definitely wasn't clear in the following scenes that performers were properly terrified, in some very real pain, or channelling some rather heartbreaking personal experiences in the moment. And you'd also be forgiven for not spotting that a scene wasn't quite as accurate as you initially assumed. But once you've taken in each and every one of the following ten fascinating entries, you'll never be able to unsee incorrect reptiles, get the image of a legitimately irritated icon on set out of your mind, or look at some truly devastating scenes the same way again.

So, get ready, folks, because after already completely altering the way you look at many other movie scenes, here are even more wonderful details and facts that will either make you love legendary moments even more or completely spoil the entire experience.


9. Sean Connery Wasn't A Fan Of One Part Of An Action Scene - Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade

Joining the likes of the iconic boulder escape in Raiders of the Lost Ark and the thrilling mining cart chase in Temple of Doom, Steven Spielberg's Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade brought with it a number of other terrific action sequences.


Arguably the most exciting of the lot involved Indy trying to rescue his father Henry and Marcus from a Nazi-controlled tank, and it was during this pulsating sequence - one that sees Harrison Ford chasing down the vehicle on a horse and Sean Connery fending off Nazis within it - that the latter encountered a little issue.

You see, according to Mike Dawson, one of the special effects technicians who worked on the flick, Connery wasn't actually the biggest fan of the smoke being pumped into the tank.

As Dawson would recall on The Stuff of Dreams podcast (via ScreenRant), the combination of oil and gas needed to create this hot smoke irritated the 007 legend so much, he eventually turned to the special effects tech and told him, "If you put that anywhere near me again, I’ll shove it up your *ss."

Dawson understandably feared he was about to be decked by James Bond himself in the moment, but an aggravated Connery did at least calm down a little while after. 

Knowing just how much the Scottish superstar genuinely despised the hot smoke surrounding him throughout this exhilarating sequence, though, certainly alters the way you watch Henry Jones Sr. proving the pen is mightier than the sword.
