9 Most Insane Things Happening In Movies & TV Right Now (Nov 16)

Forky, Ghostbusters 3 and grief lessons on Twitter...

By Simon Gallagher /


In the week in which Hollywood announced that Ben Wheatley was set to remake Rebecca and Bradley Cooper revealed that he wanted actual Jack White from The White Stripes to play the lead in A Star Is Born and Ridley Scott revealed plans for Alien: Awakening to the collected snoozes of the entire world, the world of screen news has had some stand-out moment again.


Those eyebrow-raising tidbits didn't make the cut, though they have their odd merits, but the rest of the news did include some uncharacteristic self-awareness from an actor, two public beefs, a possible Ghostbusters revival AND a sentient spork. This is all real life.

Behold, this week's edition of the most Insane Things Happening In Movies & TV, starting with a very real suggestion that Hollywood will turn literally everything and anything they find on the Internet into a movie...


9. Unboxing The Movie


It was only a matter of time before Hollywood ran out of things to adapt. Not that long ago, we were forced to accept that films were now going to be using theme parks and boardgames as source material. Then it was apps. Then it was memes. Now it's genuinely a type of YouTube format.

That's no joke: Paramount Players has literally acquired a script from the man behind Ice Age: The Meltdown - Him Hecht - that stars a wannabe YouTube star who unboxes things for her channel. It's set to be a genre film that follows her unboxing her father's secret safe as a stunt, which backfires terribly when she unleashes "the treacherous Puck and his band of evil tricksters on a small town."


It's literally a horror movie about how poor some loot crates can be. What a world: Hollywood has now fully eaten itself.