9 Most Insane Things Happening In Movies & TV Right Now (Nov 16)

8. Eddie Redmayne Admits He Sucked In Jupiter Ascending

Jupiter Ascending Eddie Redmayne
Warner Bros.

Say what you want about actors, but it's rare they ever throw even their worst work under the bus. It seems to be a mostly unspoken moral code that prevents them from just openly saying that they agree that the things everyone knows sucked genuinely did suck. Perhaps because they were often paid millions of dollars for that work and admitting they might not have done their best might compromise their future employment prospects or something.

In contrast to that culture of self-deception, Eddie Redmayne has now admitted that he was terrible in the definitely stinky Jupiter Ascending.

The Oscar-winning star spoke in an interview with GQ to discuss his role in the mind-boggling sci-fi and conceded that his decision to do a silly voice probably wasn't his best idea and while he shrugs off the criticism, it's noth refreshing and completely disarming to see him being so open about how bad he is in that movie.


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