9 Star Wars Spin-Offs That Should Be Next

The corners of the Star Wars galaxy that most deserve to be further explored...

By William Jones /

With the release of Solo: A Star Wars story, the future of the Star Wars saga remains remarkably uncharted. Lucasfilm has yet to announce any further spin-offs or films, following the 2019 release of Episode IX. And yet, the studio confirmed a few years back that their gameplan moving forward was to release one Star Wars film per year.


This means that while nothing has been officially confirmed just yet, we can expect news very soon about what corner of the galaxy far, far away audiences will be whisked off too next. With so many characters, time periods, and storylines, the possibilities are practically endless. Anyone from Wedge Antillies to Watto could, theoretically, sustain a film.

With Han Solo's history now on full display, it's time for some other characters to get their moment in the spotlight and these are the characters who deserve it the most. Whether it be because they've never really gotten the chance to shine in previous films, or because they're simply just too great to not tell more stories about, there are the Star Wars stories that should be done next.

9. Boba Fett

Everyone's favorite bounty hunter has so much potential for a spin-off that it's honestly a bit surprising one has yet to be greenlit. First off, his design is iconic in and of itself. But secondly and more importantly, he's a mostly uncharted character.


He was in the original trilogy but never exactly a major player in those films, with the contest for his biggest moment being a hard tie between whining to Vader and being knocked into the Sarlacc pit by a blind Han Solo. If anything, the character was more fleshed out in the prequel trilogy. Audiences got to see the full capabilities of his suit, through Jango Fett's use of it and got a tease at what life must have been like for a growing Boba.

A spin-off could go in any direction, chronicling his adolescence between those two trilogies or telling a story more directly set within the original trilogy. And Boba himself is such a blank canvas that there is all kinds of room for creative characterization and growth. So much so that a great spin-off film could retroactively improve his role in the original trilogy, lending greater credence and understanding to his motivations.
