9 Star Wars Spin-Offs That Should Be Next

8. Jar Jar Binks

Fett Movie

Laugh all you want, but stay with me here.

Yes, Jar Jar Binks is one of easiest-to-hate characters in the entirety of Star Wars. But he's also one of the most under-utilized. Lucas loved him in The Phantom Menace but wound up lessening his screen time with each subsequent film in the prequel trilogy, due to the overwhelming backlash against him. And there is a great amount of story to be told here; no one seems to know what happened to him after the events of Episode III.

Not to mention that the perfect way to tell this story has already been laid out by the one and only Chuck Wendig. Wendig is an acclaimed author who has worked on several Star Wars novels, including the Aftermath trilogy. At the end of the third Aftermath book, Wendig includes a small but poignant soliloquy for Jar Jar. It tells the tale of an older Jar Jar, living life on the streets of Naboo, cast out by society and left only to entertain children passing by.

While being a clever meta-commentary on Jar Jar's reception in the films, this is also the perfect way to tell a Jar Jar story. Fans who genuinely loved him were happy to hear more of his story, while fans who hated him were thrilled to see him so down-in-the-dumps. A Jar Jar spinoff could perfectly capitalize on these polarizing opinions and tell the story of the original trilogy from an entirely different perspective.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.