9 Superheroes Who Really Should Have Had A Movie By Now

It's criminal that we live in a world where there's a movie about Howard The Duck and not The Flash.

By K.J. Stewart /

It could be argued that a large number of superheroes should already have had movies by now and that you could, in theory, just pluck any of them out and claim that's the case. However, there are a number of quality and popular heroes who genuinely should already have had the titular movie treatment - especially given some of the heroes who've already had a movie ahead of them. Why, for example, did Howard the Duck get a movie nearly 30 years ago while countless numbers of undeniably more popular superheroes are yet to get a look in? Don't get us wrong, Howard the Duck is cool and quirky in his own special way, but he should hardly be at the top of the list (a notion justified by the awful reception the movie received, with renowned film critic Leonard Maltin describing it as a "hopeless mess... a gargantuan production which produces a gargantuan headache" and the film having been nominated for a number of "worst" awards for categories like worst visual effects, worst director, worst original song, worst screenplay, worst new star, worst supporting actor and worst picture). A number of other questionable choices have been made when it's come to superhero movies and it's truly baffling why other characters have been overlooked. In this article, we'll be looking at nine superheroes who absolutely should have had their own movie by now. Here they are...