9 Things You Need To Know About The Deadpool Movie

The Merc with a Mouth becomes the Merc with a Movie.

By Alex Leadbeater /

The amount of superhero movies announced over the past few months is obscene. D.C. alone has given us the dates for eleven upcoming movies, among which is rumoured to be stand-alone outings for Batman, Superman and Aquaman after at least one Justice League, while Marvel are looking beyond Avengers: Age Of Ultron, with Dr Strange and Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 now on the slate. If anybody was expecting the superhero genre to slow down they're going to be waiting for quite a while longer. But none of those come close to the latest announcement which has sent the entire internet into excitement overload; there's going to be a Deadpool movie. Originally a regular Marvel villain before graduating to his own series, the anti-hero has become a central part of Marvel's expanded roster. Allegedly the alter ego-cum-dominant personality of Wade Wilson, this artificially mutated assassin is a fan favourite thanks to his distinct style. Fully aware he's a comic book character, the fourth-wall rarely stands for long, while his antics mark him out as one of the more popular mature heroes. Outside of the fandom Deadpool's had a slow ascension. Woefully misunderstood in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, although better serviced in 2013's self-titled video game, the upcoming movie will likely cement him as one of the most unique superheroes out there. Today we look beyond the amazing headline and dissect the Deadpool movie, bringing you nine important things you need to know.