9 Things You Need To Know About The Deadpool Movie

9. It's Happened Because Of The Test Footage

A couple of months ago one of the most entertaining videos in a long time popped up. A two minute clip showing Deadpool attacking a bunch of goons, it was a test reel made when Origins: Wolverine, the first big screen appearance of the character, was still fresh in people's memories. But this was a world away from Origins' take. There was violence, there was swearing, there was fourth-wall breaking and best of all there was irreverence. This was Deadpool. And the fans were excited. Racking up millions of views and reams of column inches (Chris McKittrick wrote a great summary of where the footage came from and what it meant), it quickly became apparent there was a sizeable, vocal group who wanted a feature length outing for Wade Wilson. With Deadpool announced less than two months after the footage first 'leaked' online there no doubt that the fan response was the central motivation for the film getting green-lit. Chris concluded that odds were this was not actually a leak of shelved footage, but Fox dipping their toe in the water, testing whether they should make the movie, which given the latest development seems pretty on the money.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.