9 Wholly Inappropriate 80’s Movies That Taught Me All My Life Values

By Brad Lee /

In September of 1980 I turned 3 years old and in 1990 I turned 13, and I spent all of my childhood within this decade in the "Outback" of Australia growing up in my parents pub. VHS and Beta were all new technology that allowed the parents of children living in such a hostile environment a new way to keep their kids out of trouble and away from the world's most dangerous snakes, spiders and the like. Not to mention wild bush pigs and an occasional plague every now and then (for those who have never experienced a stink bug plague, I don't recommend it).
But as all of this was still new to everyone and things like parental advisory were not heard of, parents took a lot of movies at face value (or the face of the video cover). So basically, as a child I had a free uncensored run when it came to movies. Add to that a troubled and abused childhood and this new fangled machine literally became a salvation and an escape from the sadness around me. I never really had a positive male role model in my life so my still developing brain decided to fall back on what I was seeing before my eyes. And that there is the basis for the topic to which I am about to discuss. I am anti-censorship on every level, and the reason behind this is simple: I AM THE EPITOME OF ALL THAT CAN BE GOOD WITH NON CENSORSHIP. These films that were deemed totally inappropriate for me as a child by the powers that be were the ones that taught me my morals to live by as an adult and quite frankly, if it wasn't for these films I probably would've turned out either a much nastier person or simply have committed suicide before it got that far. So in an effort to showcase why censorship is just another way for the higher ups to control us, here is a list of films that not only guided me through life but taught me lessons to live by that society never gave this troubled little boy. And to be honest, a lot of kids today probably could do far worse than to learn some of these things. (Side Note: This list will only consist of movies from the time period of 1980-190 and what I saw as a child in that same space of time, so even though say a film like "Full Metal Jacket" was released in 1987, that does not get included on this list as I first saw that as a teen in the 90's)