Aaron Eckhart talks Harvey Dent

Spoilers ahead and remember that second trailer for The Dark Knight will get it's official HD release today!

By Matt Holmes /

I like that we haven't really had a good look at Harvey Dent's alter ego just yet and however unlikely it may be - I hope we don't stumble across a leaked image before The Dark Knight is released in July. The moment that we see this charismatic and handsome district attorney look at himself in the mirror and see how hideous fate has decided he must now look for the rest of his life, it should be painful, shocking and disturbing for us... making us truly feel for Harvey Dent before he looses all his self control and goes psychotic, slowly losing our sympathy with each terrible act.

Eckhart's been talking to the L.A. Times...
"I can tell you that, basically, when you look at Two-Face, you should get sick to your stomach. Being the guy under all that, well, that was a lot of fun for me. It's like you would feel if you met someone whose face had pretty much been ripped off or burned off with acid. I can't talk about it beyond that because I don't want to give away too much of the plans by Chris."
Full Interview HERE but that's the main jist. Remember, that AWESOME bootlegged trailer from last week will be getting an official HD release sometime today, though BOF have heard it's playing with some prints of Iron Man. source - coming soon