Alien: Covenant Trailer Breakdown: 25 Things You Must See

Ridley Scott goes full James Cameron.

By Jack Pooley /


With the May 19th release of Alien: Covenant creeping up, Fox has begun to ramp up the movie's marketing push, and have just released a brand new trailer that sure has gotten people talking.


Though there's the distinct feeling among many fans that Fox has given far too much of the movie's plot and character deaths away between this and the first trailer, they're clearly keen to let audiences know that this is going to hew much closer to the core Alien mythos than Prometheus did. Namely, there's going to be a proper Xenomorph in it, and it's going to kill lots of people.

While those wishing to be totally surprised might be advised to skip out on this trailer, for the insatiable fans who just can't help themselves, it's been great fun poring over every single image, trying to figure out exactly what it all means.


The answers will be revealed soon enough, but until then, here are 25 things you must see from the new Alien: Covenant trailer...

25. All The Couples


The new trailer confirms the widely-held theory that the crew of the Covenant are in fact on a "large-scale colonisation mission", with Daniels (Katherine Waterston) explaining that the ship's crew is made up of couples, most focally Billy Crudup and Carmen Ejogo, and Danny McBride and Amy Seimetz.


The Last Supper prologue clip also made it clear there was a gay couple on-board, though their reasoning for being on a colonisation mission remains up in the air.
