The Amazing Spider-Man: 5 Villains We Never, Ever Want To See On Film

With 44,000 villains expected to turn up in next year's sequel, we are seriously worried Sony might turn to these fellas for The Amazing Spider-Man 3.

By K.J. Stewart /

Spider-Man's extensive rogue gallery is arguably the strongest in comics - certainly in Marvel, with DC's Batman also staking a claim for the overall prize. There are an abundance of great villains of the webbed wonder that we, as fans of the character, his comic books and his movies, would love to see on screen and Marvel is spoiled for choice when it comes to deciding which ones to adapt in live action. That said, as with any extensive rogue gallery, there are also some absolute stinkers in there. The very idea of certain members of Spidey's villain roster appearing in one of his blockbuster movies is enough to fill us with dread - some of them really are awful. So, this one goes out to Marvel and Sony Pictures: If you guys are considering any of these guys for inclusion in a future movie (and I trust that you aren't, but just in case...), please don't. Certain characters and schticks should either never have been created in the first place or should, at the very least, be restricted to appearing in the comic books. With that in mind, here are five villains that we never, ever want to see in any of the Amazing Spider-Man movies...