Ant-Man And The Wasp Trailer Reactions: 8 Ups & 4 Downs

He's kind of a BIG deal...

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Studios

What with all the noise around Black Panther and Infinity War, it's been a little too easy to forget the fact that Marvel have a third movie coming out in 2018. To a certain extent, that lesser billing suits Ant-Man: the first film was one of Marvel's more unexpectedly good movies (particularly given the rocky production road) and Paul Rudd isn't exactly a conventional superhero lead. But Peyton Reed caught lightning in a bottle, and we're ready for more of the same.


For some, Ant-Man And The Wasp might look like a step down in prestige after the muscle-bound stakes of Infinity War, but hopefully, the sequel will prove that a good story and strong characters can be enough to entertain the same audiences who come out for the big show.

Let's hope this first trailer has gone some way to convincing the exclusively Avengers-focused fans (and there must be some given how much more money the ensembles make) to give the smallest heroes on the roster a chance to make good bank. They're certainly worth it.


Here's the trailer...


But is it any good? There's only one way to find out. First the negatives...