Ant-Man And The Wasp Trailer Reactions: 8 Ups & 4 Downs


4. Not Much Villain Presence (And Not Enough Rudd)

Ant-Man and the Wasp The Ghost
Marvel Studios

It's somewhat inevitable - particularly in a first trailer with so little run-time - but it would have been nice to see something more of the new villains here. Apart from a few flashes of Ghost and whatever the goons on bikes are going to be called, there's very little in the trailer that really tells the story of who it is that's terrorising the heroes.

The bigger story here is obviously them being on the run in the wake of Civil War, so it appears that faceless government stooges are the enemy, but the reality is that Ant-Man, Pym and The Wasp probably slip their net to deal with the villain and to go and try a rescue attempt of Janet Van Dyne.

It's misdirection, but it robs the film of a good selling point, since there's no grounding for the mysterious masked figure we see and literally no mention at all of them.

Also, why so little Paul Rudd? Don't these people realise that he is their blue chip? Sure, a little Rudd goes a long way, but a lot goes even further.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.