Avengers 4 : 7 Most Likely Characters To Sacrifice Themselves

It's just a simple word...

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Studios

Just weeks after the release of Avengers: Infinity War, there was a suggestion that the first "official" synopsis for the as-yet-untitled follow-up had been revealed by Licensing Magazine (even if it will prove to be no more than a place-holder). The interesting thing about that synopsis for anyone looking for hints about how the sequel will play out is the suggestion that what Thanos has done has only created a "fragile reality" and that it could be overturned by making "sacrifices."


That seems to fit with the general consensus on the movie, which most assume will focus on undoing the snap from the end of Infinity War and will also close out the stories of some of the Avengers veterans. So even though they survived the unthinkable genocide of half of existence, there's a good chance that some of those veterans might well retire part of the way through Avengers 4, especially since a few of them are coming to the end of their contract.

Even more worryingly, some of them are also coming to the end of their relevance to the MCU, and while Marvel would be mad to permanently kill some of their most valuable brands, it would be appropriate to change the line-up for Phase 4 and beyond. Sure, the characters could come back later somehow, but for now, it looks like those "sacrifices" that have been mentioned might mean some characters laying down their lives.


So who could make the ultimate sacrifice...?

7. Black Widow

Marvel Studios

She might have her own movie coming, but it's looking increasingly likely that Black Widow's solo outing will be a prequel, which would pave the way for her to be retired in the present.


And she's one of the more vulnerable characters still alive, given her lack of actual powers (though there is a hint she has some sort of super soldier conditioning). Most importantly, her personality would definitely make her a good candidate to make that sort of sacrifice to save others.

Any Foreshadowing?


Widow talking about atoning for the red in her ledger is still the best indication that she's willing to do whatever it takes to save her friends and innocent lives. And laying down her life in order to stop Thanos killing billions more would be the ultimate realisation of that.