Avengers 4 : 7 Most Likely Characters To Sacrifice Themselves

6. Bruce Banner

The Avengers Bruce Banner Mark Ruffalo

Since Marvel can't make stand-alone Hulk movies, it might be fairly easy to retire Bruce Banner (for now) by killing him and The Hulk off. He's already had a far more complex development arc than he had in the two pre-Mark Ruffalo films and it would suit how marked by sadness that has been for him to die.

The question of HOW he'd die is slightly less easy to answer since his genetics basically make him invulnerable, but the Infinity Gauntlet can do anything and depowering him probably isn't out of the question.

Any Foreshadowing?

It's all in the trajectory of his arc. We were told before Thor: Ragnarok that he was going to enjoy a three-movie arc and that was clearly his conflict with Hulk about who gets to be in control. Right now, Hulk hates being used whenever Banner needs him and never again (as confirmed by the screenwriters) and in Ragnarok, Banner was terrified at the idea of losing control completely.

What neither of them has realised yet is that not only do they need each other, but the Earth (or the universe) needs their unity and their strength. And it would make a lot of sense for Hulk to learn that altruism matters most and sacrifice himself. Sure, he's been unappreciated quite horribly, but if Hulk got his hero moment before that, it would make for a satisfying end to his arc.

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Avengers 4
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