The Avengers: Age Of Ultron Movie: 7 Things From The Comic Arc That Should Be Included

A checklist of events and details Marvel must include with The Avengers sequel.

By K.J. Stewart /

Next year, the Avengers sequel - Avengers: Age of Ultron - hits our screens in what is sure to be the Marvel cinematic universe's biggest hit yet. After a lot of speculation about who the villain would be in this movie and which comic book arc the story would be based on, the subtitle "Age of Ultron" was announced at 2013's San Diego Comic Con. Joss Whedon will direct again and the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series creator has stated that, despite the film's title, it will not strictly be based around the comic book arc of the same name (of course, it was always going to be impossible for it to be 100% based around that arc, given that characters like Wolverine and Invisible Woman are pivotal in it and characters like Spider-Man, numerous X-Men and the rest of the Fantastic Four are also involved - none of whom Marvel and Disney Studios have the rights to for use in the Marvel cinematic universe). That said, there will surely be some influence regarding the plot of that arc in the movie, as it had a lot of enjoyable and interesting elements and a number of characters from it are established in the Marvel cinematic universe (Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye etc) and a number are set to appear in the future (Ultron himself, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, Black Panther, Luke Cage etc). In the comic book, Ultron has taken over the world and it is now nothing more than an apocalyptic wasteland where the few surviving humans (including some superheroes and villains) must adhere to Ultron's rule. Here are seven things from the Age of Ultron comic book arc that should be included in the movie of the same name...

Honourable Mention: A Surprise Hero Inclusion

We're not including this in the main list due to its non-specificity, but it would undoubtedly be cool to see a hero we aren't expecting to see in this movie - one who was present in the comic book arc of the same name - especially if it was someone who currently can't be included in the Marvel cinematic universe due to studio rights (such as the Fantastic Four, Wolverine or Spider-Man). However, given how incredibly unlikely that is, someone like Luke Cage, She-Hulk, Red Hulk, Black Panther or Moon Knight would suffice. Luke Cage - who is quite a prominent character in the arc - is due to be a part of the Marvel cinematic universe tie-in series "The Defenders", so someone like him seems most likely. We already know that we're getting Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch as new Avengers members, which is cool in itself, but a surprise hero appearance from someone who was in the comic book arc would be really good to see. And now on to the actual list...