The Avengers: Age Of Ultron Movie: 7 Things From The Comic Arc That Should Be Included

7. Nick Fury's End Of The World Plan

We all know Nick Fury by now - super-spy, formidable in combat, director of S.H.I.E.L.D and portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson so iconically in the Marvel cinematic universe (and having previous been played on screen by David Hasselhoff, nonetheless). It would be great to see Nick Fury portrayed on screen as the fantastic preparatory master that he is in the comic books, so to see his end of the world plan in action in the Avengers sequel would be awesome. In the comic, whilst sneaking around the decimated streets of what used to be San Francisco, Black Widow and Moon Knight find one of Nick Fury's old bases. Whilst in the base, the pair find Fury's fail-safe plans for a variety of different potential and anticipated apocalyptic scenarios, including one involving Ultron taking over the Earth - emphasising just how prepared and intuitive Nick Fury can be. Although the Avengers are obviously going to be the muscle in the movie's fight against Ultron and whatever forces he brings to the table, seeing Samuel L. Jackson's version of Nick Fury revealing that he'd had plans hidden away for years for such a scenario - complete with a method of ending it and defeating Ultron - would be very cool indeed.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.