Avengers: Endgame - What Happened To The Dead Heroes?

Just how exactly are 'The Fallen' avenged?

By Ewan Paterson /

Marvel Studios

Avengers: Endgame is finally here. Over a year since Thanos lay waste to half the sentient life in the known universe, Earth's Mightiest Heroes assemble once again to try and save those who were lost. They are - unsurprisingly - successful, but how exactly does it go down in the film itself?



Immediately after Infinity War drew to a close, Marvel fans and moviegoers in general racked their brains as to how those killed by Thanos' victory could return. It was always a matter of when - not if - they would return (no matter how hard Marvel tried to convince us otherwise), with the already announced Spider-Man: Far From Home and Guardians 3 having confirmed that those characters were never really dead, while the likes of Black Panther and Doctor Strange were both braced for sequels in the not-so-distant future.

At one point, the amount of theories floating around online felt almost endless, with come convinced that the surviving team would steal back the Time Stone, while others - spurred on by the then recent developments of Ant-Man and the Wasp - felt assured that the Quantum Realm would have a big part to play. Although in what capacity was then still unclear.


With the film now out, it transpires that only one of those theories was correct, and it was of course the one weighted by the evidence provided in the first Ant-Man sequel...