Avengers: Infinity War Feels Like "The Biggest Movie Ever"

"It’s f**king crazy"

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Studios

There are some things we know for certain about Avengers: Infinity War. It will have more characters than any blockbuster ever. It will require a lot of balance. It will make a lot of money. Like a LOT. This is all pretty much possible to take as gospel already, because it's all the culmination of a decade of stage-setting and charisma building.


Now, as if you needed the confirmation, Paul Bettany has revealed that being part of the production felt like making the biggest movie ever. When they're boasting a scene involving at least 30 characters at once, it's no real surprise.

In an interview with Collider, Bettany allowed himself to get excited about the film's scale:


“It felt like the biggest movie that I’ve ever made and will ever make, and we’ve still got to make the [next] one. It’s f***ing crazy! I would come in, often at dawn because of the length of my make-up, and there would just be all of these twinkling lights. It looked like a town, but it wasn’t. It was where all of the trailers were. It was just massive. It’s massive! The call sheets are bananas. When you see the list of cast members, you’re like, ‘How is anybody else making a film in Hollywood, this year? How are they getting films financed? Everybody is in this!'”

Interestingly, that seems to be a confirmation that Vision will return for Avengers 4 (since he uses "we" in terms of making the sequel). Since it's been widely assumed that he would be killed off for the Infinity Stone in his forehead, that's quite a sizeable revelation.


But despite the size, Bettany says the directors managed to keep it all balanced:

“[The Russos] are so great. They’ve got so much trust, from the cast and from Kevin Feige and Marvel, in general. They’re incredibly on top of the day, when you show up, and they’re very open to your input and collaboration. They were incredibly relaxed. It was a wonderful, relaxed set that was stress-free. It was a stress-free set, which was brilliant.”


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