Avengers: Infinity War - Predicting All 67 Characters

Who's going to be taking down Thanos?

By Alex Leadbeater /

Avengers: Infinity War is going to big. How big? Well, on top of being a story so massive it needs to be told in two parts, directors Joe and Anthony Russo (taking the reigns of the Earth's Mightiest Heroes from Joss Whedon) have revealed that the film is going to feature a whopping sixty-seven characters. Civil War doesn't look as big now, does it? At first this seems like an impossibly unwieldily number - even with the ever-growing Avengers roster and teams off in the sidelines this is a high membership increase. Especially when you discount all the TV characters (from either Netflix's The Defenders series or ABC's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.) following comments from the Russo's late last year that put doubt on the small screen side of the MCU ever crossing over to the big. Well, it may not be as crazy as you think. In fact, using the current state of the MCU, as well as what we know about how it's going to progress across Phase 3, it's possible to make a very educated guess at who the Russos are planning to bring into the mix. Bearing in mind, of course, that the two-part move is very much in the early stages of development and key details, including the characters, are subject to change, here are the sixty-seven Marvel characters most likely to appear in Avengers: Infinity War.