Avengers: Infinity War - Predicting All 67 Characters

67. Iron Man

Whereas most actors have pretty vague contracts (at least from a public standpoint), we know Robert Downey, Jr. is definitely in Infinity War - Avengers 3 was part of his contract renegotiation that also saw him sign on for Age Of Ultron after his initial deal ran out. This will be Tony Stark's eighth appearance in the MCU (if you count the cameo in The Incredible Hulk), so could this see Downey, Jr. winding down, either moving into a mentor position or (whisper it) killed off? Only further contract renegotiations will tell.

66. Pepper Potts

Gwyneth Paltrow sat out Avengers: Age Of Ultron and won't be appearing in Civil War either, but it's unlikely Marvel will let Iron Man 3 be her last appearance. And, if the Russo's want a really epic scale, bringing in each character's love interest is a nice, intimate way to do that; so expect her to appear in Infinity War.

65. War Machine

After the first trailer, everyone's expecting Rhodey to die in Captain America: Civil War, but doesn't that strike as a bit odd; why publicise a major character death in the first proper footage of a movie? If anything, he's the most sure thing to survive. And, with that in mind, Don Cheadle is probably gearing up for Infinity War as we speak.

64. Happy Hogan

Happy Hogan Vs. Thanos is unlikely to be the big finale of the Infinity War extravaganza, but it'd be odd if Tony Stark's assistant didn't pop up in some form; it was Jon Favreau who first kicked off the entire MCU by directing Iron Man, after all, so it'd at the very least operate as a little thank you.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.