BATMAN 3 villains could come from INCEPTION?

By Matt Holmes /

From the man in the know on all things Batman on Film;

I got a few emails from some movie business folks I know saying when it comes to BATMAN 3 casting, keep an eye on the cast of Chris Nolan's upcoming film, INCEPTION. Interesting.
Almost as soon as she was cast for "Inception", I wrote a piece, now nearly a year old, hypothesizing that Marion Cotillard HAD to be the firm favourite for the role of Catwoman, if Chris Nolan decided to introduce Selina Kyle to his universe.
"She has amazing femme fatale eyes. The kind that even Bruce Wayne who won€™t want to fall for a woman again after losing Rachel, will be hopeless to resist...She has a feistyness about her but also the down to Earth, girly natural laugh that Selina has in everyday life.... Physically she is good (tall, in shape and flexible, a natural beauty) and well, we know she can act"
Similarly, in my January posted "Batman 3" wishlist, MY NO. 1 choice was to see the amazingly versatile British actor Tom Hardy land the role of The Riddler. He too is a cast member in "Inception".
"The Riddler is the best villain to go for in the next installment, specifically I would love to see him act as the orchestra to a serial killer plot, ala Se7en. I wanna see Batman pushed more as a detective this time round, than anything physical and The Riddler to just keep the problems escalating between the Gotham Police Force, the Public and Batman himself, adding to the theme of isolation".
Of course Leonardo DiCaprio is the lead in Nolan's new movie. Could BOF's source be talking about him, and if so for what role? Riddler, the new Joker? All very interesting, wouldn't you say?