Batman V Superman: 10 Most Important Things It Has To Get Right

If DC get these things right in Batman V Superman, they might just beat Marvel.

By Josh Wilding /

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice is either going to be 2016's best movie, or one of its most disappointing. There would usually be room for it to come somewhere between those, but if it's not great, fans are not going to be happy. The pressure is on director Zack Snyder to deliver then; no easy feat in a movie which sounds more like Justice League Lite than a simple team up between two of the world's most iconic and beloved superheroes. With as many characters as The Avengers to balance and the pressure to set the stage for everything that will follow in the DC Cinematic Universe, Batman V Superman could make or break Warner Bros.' big DC Comics plans, just like Iron Man for Marvel Studios in 2008. So, what can be done to ensure that Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice is the kind of critical and commercial hit which stands out in a year that will see Spider-Man join the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Captain America: Civil War? Here you will find just ten of the most important things that the movie will have to get right to live up to fan expectations.
