Batman V Superman: 10 Most Important Things It Has To Get Right

10. Establishing A Shared Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe was in some ways a happy accident. A throwaway scene at the end of Iron Man established that there may be a greater world out there, and despite some cameos here and there, it wasn't really until Iron Man 2, Captain America: The First Avenger, and of course The Avengers that it all came together. Since then, it's been all about a shared world. Warner Bros. on the other hand are taking a very different approach. With Batman V Superman serving as a launching platform for both a slate of solo movies and Justice League, the pressure is on to create a shared universe which doesn't feel forced. It's up to Snyder to make you believe that these characters have all existed in the same world for years, especially as Man Of Steel's focus was solely on Superman. This is a lot to cram into one movie, and if it fails to get it right, the DCCU could be doomed from the start. "The New 52" relaunch is a good place to look for an idea of how quickly these heroes could all be brought together to take on one big threat without years of build up, but you still have to wonder how Snyder will balance all of these elements. After all, Batman and Superman will be taking centre stage, so can he find a way of making that satisfying and avoiding the cameos feeling as forced and awkward as Hawkeye's in Thor? With any luck, yes!

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.