Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - 8 Reasons Why The New Trailer Kills All Hope For The Film

Dawn of Urgh.

By Alex Leadbeater /

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice could change blockbuster cinema forever. Not because it'll make so much money that any previous superhero movie looks depowered or will shake up the status quo moreso than Marvel ever has (neither of those seem likely), but because it could very easily mark a total shift in how these sort of films are marketed. Just a few days ago the majority of people were highly hopeful for the DC smackdown, gleefully speculating and getting to a Star Wars-level of excitement. I've consistently not been on board with the film, but while nothing on screen has won me over, I wouldn't deny there was some hype from other quarters. And then this happened. The third trailer was released on Jimmy Kimmel Live just a week after the record-breaking first look at Captain America: Civil War and, in the space of three minutes (already too long for a trailer), Dawn Of Justice went from being one of the most anticipated movies of 2016 to one of the most derided. The trailer is just that bad. It's such a sharp turn of opinion, quashing all hype with a simple laser blast. The only real upside (because, let's be honest, even I don't want this movie to be bad) is this palpable distaste will lingers long enough to force studios to finally realise less is more when it comes to advertising and see others adopting a similar method to the teasing Lucasfilm's did with The Force Awakens. Here's hoping. But what exactly did the Batman V Superman trailer do so wrong? Here are the eight ways it kills any residual hope for the movie.

Honourable Mention - Hyperactive Lex

Rivalling Batfleck, the backlash against Jesse Eisenberg's casting as Lex Luthor has been unrelenting, and no amount of moody bald images, Paul Revere quotes or Fortune profiles have swayed people. And this trailer is not going to help. Eisenberg is channeling his inner Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Jr., playing that same awkward nerd he's done for the better part of decade, only with the confidence money gives. It's an idea, for sure, but is hardly the Luthor fans were expecting. However, I'm not going to pass judgement of Jesse Eisenberg's villain just yet. Mainly because I think he's a good actor (check out Louder Than Bombs) and would quite like everyone to be wrong, but mainly because we don't know yet what sort of angle in general the DCEU is taking with the character - this hyperactive evil may be all there is to Lex, but I'm willing to bet there's something more insidious and, yes, classical hiding under the surface. We do at least know he's going to lose that hair, after all.