Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - 8 Reasons Why The New Trailer Kills All Hope For The Film

8. It's Quite Simply An Awful Trailer

Right, let's just get this out of the way first - this is a bad trailer. Forget opinions about the film, it's a clumsily edited, overlong piece that doesn't really know what point it's trying to make. Compared to the Comic-Con tease, which was an effective piece of marketing (I didn't like it, but that was more down to the nature of the film), this is a major step down, to the point where unconditionally sold Bat-fans are getting worried. There's almost a minute and a half dedicated to one long set-piece, then an onslaught of vaguely connected fight shots before it suddenly drops a major (as in, probably end-of-second-act) reveal, then... title card. That alone is a mess, seeing three different ideas rammed together with nary a care for spoilers or enjoyment, but beyond structure some of the editing choices in this are just bizarre. Watching the trailer a second (and, urgh, third) time, you realise that pretty much every concurrent shot has no actual relation to the previous one; they're simply edited together quickly to create the illusion of narrative. This is a common trick, but the prevalence here makes the whole thing disorenting - we've got clips from a least three different fights mushed together lazily in that middle stretch. There's also this odd recurring juttery cutting of shots to the soundtrack's drums, taking moment we've already seen and making them look like poorly buffered clips or an irritating fan edit. Is this meant to make reused footage more exciting? Because it really doesn't work.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.