Batman V. Superman: Predicting The Entire Plot In 10 Steps

Forecasting the great battle of our time.

By Sam Hill /

In case you haven't noticed (and if so, where have you been?), upcoming superhero flick Batman V. Superman is being pushed by an insane kind of momentum - momentum which could easily result in its standing as one of the highest-grossing motion pictures of all-time; especially if it turns out to be... well, really good. Despite the fact that film fans are yet to see even a single frame of the actual film, Zack Snyder's follow-up to Man of Steel has garnered much controversy, mainly due to the casting of former daredevil Ben Affleck as Batman, and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. Although there's not much out that to tell fans what, exactly, is going to happen over the course of this long-awaited movie, it's arguably possible - by way of combing through the marketing material on offer and feverishly reading into everything that Snyder and his team have disclosed thus far - to predict something resembling a coherent plot. After all, Warner Bros. have disclosed which iconic characters are going to feature in the movie, and it's not all that difficult to predict where the story is headed (the title sort of gives it away). And then there's the fact that this is a sequel movie. And given that Batman V. Superman is a sequel, it wouldn't be wrong to assume that the narrative will attempt to both clean up and expand on some of the story aspects introduced in Man of Steel. No, there isn't a trailer to go by yet, and there isn't an insane amount of information at our disposal. Still, there's no harm in trying to figure out where Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice will take us come next year. What follows, then, in 10 steps, stands as what one might refer to as an "educated guess" with regards to the movie's plot. How accurate a prediction? Wait 'til 2016 to find out.