Batman V Superman - Ultimate Edition: 11 Ways It Improves The Original

Zack Snyder just redeemed himself.

By Jack Pooley /

It's been three months since Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice finally hit cinemas, resulting in a massive fanboy and critical outcry that the superhero showdown just didn't live up to expectations.


Well, the much-discussed Ultimate Edition is now available, adding 30 minutes to the run-time while clarifying some of the more rushed sequences and plot points from the theatrical cut.

While those who despised the original movie likely won't have their minds changed here (as the third act is still pretty problematic and has the least overall changes), for those who liked it or at least though it was OK, this marks a significant step-up in quality.

Zack Snyder won't be fully forgiven for the movie's reception, but this will certainly ease the vitriol: the Ultimate Edition makes his vision far clearer, and ascertains that Warner Bros. should probably take as much if not more of the flak than Snyder for what hit cinemas in March.

Here are 11 ways Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition improves the original...

11. Jimmy Olsen Is Properly Introduced

Many were left scratching their heads when the theatrical cut's credits listed Michael Cassidy's photographer character (and CIA spy) as being the legendary Daily Planet snapper Jimmy Olsen. After all, he's never mentioned by name during the Nairomi sequence and is killed off without any fanfare at all.


In the Ultimate Edition, however, as Lois arrives in Nairomi by taxi, Jimmy walks over and introduces himself to her by name. Sadly his fate is still the same, getting shot in the head, but it's nice to have actual confirmation within the movie that this is Jimmy, rather than it being relegated to credits most people won't even see.
