Batman vs Superman Movie: 3 Reasons To Be Excited & 3 Reasons To Worry

By Richard Church /

After Man of Steel€™s Easter Egg of the Wayne Enterprises logo, many fans believed it was possibly a lead up to a Justice League film, much in the same way Marvel built up to The Avengers at the start of their Phase One films. With the announcement that Superman and Batman will be onscreen together for the first time ever at Comic-Con, fans have collectively screamed in excitement at the prospect of seeing two of the most famous superheroes fight crime or, quite possibly, each other. There are a number of reasons to be excited for Batman vs. Superman or whatever it will be called, but there are however just as many reasons to be worried about this eventual team-up when it takes place in a couple of years. Is it too soon for this to come out? Would you prefer a solo-Batman film or some other DC hero first? Do you want Christian Bale to come back as Batman? In this post I give you three reasons to be excited and three reasons to be worried for the film.
