Batman vs Superman Movie: 3 Reasons To Be Excited & 3 Reasons To Worry

Reasons To Be Excited...

3. The Team Involved

David Goyer I enjoyed Man of Steel and thought it was a very good opening for a new Superman franchise. Much of that has to do with the team involved in the film€™s creation, namely Christopher Nolan, David Goyer and Zack Snyder. Though Nolan will be taking a a step back in an executive producing role and having almost no involvement with the story, David Goyer is writing the script and Zack Snyder will direct once again. Goyer is not only a great writer for these films, but he€™s a fan as well. His passion to see these characters put onscreen matches those of mainstream fans. Goyer also has a very good understanding of who these characters are down at their core. I don€™t think he gets enough credit for the work he did on The Dark Knight Trilogy, crafting numerous characters and stories people came to love watch over and over again. His interpretation of Superman is also one most people have enjoyed, one that you can believe will become the leader of the world€™s superhero community. Not only that, but Goyer does a tremendous amount of research when writing these films by talking with writers and artists at DC and reading tons of comics and graphic novels in preparation for his job. Discounting the All-Star Superman and Secret Origin influences in Man of Steel, think of how much Batman Begins and The Dark Knight were influenced by Year One, The Long Halloween, The Man Who Laughs and many other Batman stories. Zack Snyder has also proved himself a competent director. While some of his work may be hit or miss, he certainly knows how to direct and has a great eye for visuals. Man of Steel is his best film to date due to the amount of care he put into the film. With Batman in the sequel, Snyder€™s attention to detail will have only grown.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.