Batman vs Superman Movie: 7 Cameos (From Non-Big 7 Members) We’d Love To See

By K.J. Stewart /

As we all know, DC and Warner Brothers' Batman vs Superman movie is scheduled for a 2015 release. Thanks to what will be an epic encounter between, arguably, the two most popular heroes in fiction, fans around the world are licking their lips with anticipation. That said, they won't be fully satisfied unless there are further hints at the live action DC universe's expansion in the form of easter eggs, references and cameos in the movie. So, aside from the other obvious members of the Justice League's big seven who everyone would love to see (like Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan's Green Lantern and Flash), who else would it be good to see in brief roles in the Batman vs Superman movie? I think it's fair to say that everybody is expecting to see Lex Luthor as the main villainous figure and common foe for the man of steel and the caped crusader in this movie, so I won't be including him in this list, but let's take a look at seven cameos (apart from the big seven... or Lex Luthor) that we would love to see in Batman vs Superman...

Honourable Mention: A Post-Credit Darkseid Cameo

I don't think this guy should appear in the actual main body of the movie (hence his exclusion from the main list), but a cameo after the end credits are over with would be pretty epic. Darkseid is undoubtedly one of DC's best, most popular and most powerful villains. He is visually imposing, a huge physical threat, a technological genius and commander of a legion of super-powered followers and minions on his native Apokolips. He is usually considered to be a Superman villain, but has proven himself more than capable of being a legitimate threat to the entire Justice League many times. He possesses vast superhuman strength and durability, as well as his devastating Omega Effect which has the ability to wipe those it hits from existence. Darkseid appeared, albeit briefly, as a live action character when he was the season 10 big bad in TV's Smallville, but fans would love to see more of him in a bigger budget flick, given that the adaptation on TV was somewhat disappointing. A lot of comparisons can be made between Darkseid and Marvel's Thanos (indeed, Thanos was modelled on Darkseid and, in the Amalgam comics universe, Thanos and Darkseid were merged to form "Thanoseid") and the anticipation caused by Thanos' cameo at the end of the Avengers should serve as ample incentive for DC to use the equally formidable ruler of Apokolips on the big screen. He has the fan-base, the character traits and the supporting cast of characters to make sure that any movie with him as the villain would be a major draw for audiences and a little Thanos-esq cameo mid/post-credits would send fans wild with anticipation. Now, on to the main list...