Birds Of Prey Reviews: 12 Early Reactions You Need To See

The first reactions from the London premiere are pouring in, and things are looking VERY promising.

By Alexander Kiryushkin /

A Harley Quinn-centric 'Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)' has premiered in London, and while the embargo on full reviews is still in place, the one on social media is lifted, so we can finally see the first real reactions to the movie.


'Birds of Prey' had a somewhat troubled production with the script being re-written and a portion of the movie re-shot by John Wick's Chad Stahelski, but everything seems to have come together quite nicely - at least according to the first wave of reactions.

People are praising great character work by Margot Robbie and Ewan McGregor, the strong bond the women have in the movie, and the great action sequences that keep you on the edge of your seat. Although she couldn't make the premiere, Birds of Prey writer Gail Simone also took to Twitter to hype up the film, sharing a heartwarming story about her time on set.

While full reviews will only be available after the main embargo lifts on the 5th of February, people who saw the movie can now post their first reactions on social media. So did people like the movie, and is it any different from the first fan screenings?

12. The Movie Is Harley-Centric

With ensemble movies like this, there is always a chance of one getting more screen time and attention than the others. Apparently for some that was the case with 'Birds of Prey', although it should be noted that Harley Quinn is the main attraction of the movie in the first place.

