Bond - No Time To Die Trailer Review: 7 Ups & 4 Downs

007 is back with mysterious secrets, a new creepy villain and old friends...

By Simon Gallagher /


James Bond is back. Back with the same familiar swagger, the same sharp suits and fierce pout, the same sense of threat and dread and the same difficult workplace relationships that would usually get you in trouble with HR really quickly.


After months of drip-feed teasing and an awful trailer for the trailer (maybe studios see the benefit in them, but they're infuriating), we've got the first trailer for No Time To die and it looks like a good one again. Crucially, it also feels like a Bond film, which is a simple but hugely significant thing to say.

Here’s the trailer...


Obviously, there's a lot to unpack in there, both in terms of the story hints and the style and while it's far from perfect, there's a lot to be positive about. Naturally, there are also elements in there that might have been done differently (and better) and we'll dive into those too.


First the positives...


7. It Avoids Outright Spoiling


Perhaps it's a shame that we have to mention this every time a trailer comes out, but it's great to see how little this trailer just outright spoils of the story. Instead, we're invited to ask more questions than we get answers for and there's very much a sense that the tease is pulling at familiar elements while also leaning heavily on another big Bond secret.


There's nothing really in there that is too much of a revelation - even with the new 00, Blofeld's return and a new villain - all of them were to be completely expected and it is definitely admirable that we've not seen them spoil some major juicy nugget in the interest of hype building.