Captain America: Civil War - 14 Theories That Were Utter Bull

Spoiler: Coulson's not in it.

By Jack Pooley /

Captain America: Civil War is without question the most talked-about movie of the year so far (with Batman v Superman not far behind), and as such everyone from casual viewers to the ardent comic book fanboys have had their own theories about how it'll all go down.


The speculation has ranged from that accurate to the source material, to the weirdly plausible and then the downright absurd, but each rumour has picked up a significant amount of traction online in the weeks and months ahead of the movie's release.

The only common ground? They all ended up being garden variety bulls***, both for better and for worse. One or two of these rumoured moments might've worked within the final movie, but to be honest, we're glad that most of them played out the way they did (as in, not at all).

Of course, it goes without saying that huge spoilers for Civil War will follow. Here are 14 Captain America: Civil War theories that were utter bull...

14. Quicksilver Gets Resurrected

The Rumour: Despite being shot to pieces by Ultron in Age of Ultron, Quicksilver would be resurrected and show up in the movie's third act.


How Much We Believed It: Though the mystery about the identity of the person in the yellow chamber was certainly a compelling narrative to follow, there were too many plausible explanations for who it otherwise might be.

Plus, bringing Quickie back so soon would massively undermine what his death meant, and considering how Fox's version of the character in the X-Men movies is vastly superior, he's likely best left alone. 2/10

The Truth: No, Quicksilver does not show up in any way, shape or form. Strangely, though, despite the Sokovia incident getting mentioned countless times throughout the movie, Scarlet Witch doesn't even once bring up the death of her brother, which seems pretty damn weird considering how it would surely inform her decision to join Team Cap.
