Captain America: Civil War - 9 Rumours We Already Know Were Bullsh*t

A faithful adaptation of the comic? Not quite.

By James Hunt /

Captain America: Civil War is one of the biggest movies of the year, and few have been subject to as many rumours, theories, and supposed spoilers as this one.


It's easy to see why, given that it's the film set to launch Marvel's Phase Three, and one of the biggest films they've produced. It's pitting hero against hero, introducing Spider-Man, at least one character will probably die, and it's going to completely shake-up the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Rumours have ranged from the plausible to the impossible, and considered a variety of angles, from who will be the big death to what causes the war in the first place. Thankfully, we're just a couple of weeks or so away (depending on where you live) from the film finally being released (it feels longer than nine months since we had a Marvel movie). With that, the rumours can be put to bed, the war can begin, and we can all start obsessing instead over how great/terrible it is instead.

However, for a number of the rumours we don't even need to wait that long. There've been so many of them that it's only natural a few would be debunked before the film's even released, and thanks to the trailers, or comments from those involved, we know that these won't be happening.

9. Phil Coulson And S.H.I.E.L.D. Will Appear

The Rumour: In the comics, S.H.I.E.L.D. have a big part to play in the Civl War story. So it stands to reason that they'd be expected to appear in the film version, especially as there is still a S.H.I.E.L.D. team in existence.


Phil Coulson has been a popular part of the MCU since the very beginning, so obviously he would return. With this being a big sprawling movie he'd bring along the likes of Daisy Johnson as well, leading into a big tie-in between Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Civil War, and reintroducing a fan-favourite to the movies (and revealing he's still alive to the Avengers).

Why It's Bullsh*t: Well, for a start, Coulson is still considered dead to the Avengers, so it'd take some work to show that isn't actually the case, and comments from Joss Whedon have insisted that he is definitely dead as far as the film side of things is concerned. If Coulson isn't appearing, it's unlikely anyone else from S.H.I.E.L.D. would, because they're not well-known enough, and the TV series has largely been ignored by the movies anyway.

The biggest factor in this is that the writers of Civil War, Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus, told Hitfix last year that they were considerably behind on the show. Expect Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to feature a tie-in to Civil War, but don't expect the movie to return the favour.
