Captain America: New World Order - 10 Supervillains Who Could Appear

Where is Red Skull's daughter?

By James Egan /

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier concluded with Steve Rogers' literal wingman, Sam Wilson, taking on the mantle of Captain America. With Marvel Studios recently declaring the sequel, Captain America: New World Order, is a go, fans are eager to see Sam take to the skies and hurl that shield once again.


Even though Sam proved he was worthy of Cap's title when he defeated the Flag Smashers, his work is far from finished. So long as there's a power-hungry dictator or superpowered terrorist group, Captain America will always be there to ensure freedom prevails.

Which brings us to the big question - which foe(s) will Sam Wilson face in this upcoming outing? The Serpent Society? Doctor Faustus? Asbestos Man? That last one is a long shot, but you never know...

Because so many of Cap's rogue gallery are still alive and kicking, don't be surprised if New World Order has a couple of familiar faces, such as Zemo, Arnim Zola, or the Power Broker. Whoever serves as the big bad, we hope Sam Wilson has what it takes to prove he deserves to be called Captain America.

10. Arnim Zola

The Red Skull’s genetic engineer, Arnim Zola, seemingly met his end in Captain America: Winter Soldier when the supercomputer containing his consciousness was destroyed. But since nobody really stays dead in the world of Marvel, it wouldn’t be a hard pill to swallow if he returned.


Because Zola is among Captain America’s most recurring foes, it seems unfair we've only seen the self-proclaimed Bio-Fanatic play second fiddle in live-action. In the comics, Zola has an army of genetically altered soldiers and mind-controlling robots. He imprisoned Steve Rogers in a dimension, which he ruled with an iron fist for over a decade. Basically, Zola is not someone you should underestimate. By reincorporating him into the MCU, we can see how dangerous Toby Jones' character can be.

Also, reintroducing him would be an opportunity to bring back his original design. In the comics, the Swiss scientist cheated death by placing his consciousness inside an android body. Because his face appears on a computer screen on the robot’s torso, Zola looks really silly, even by comics standards. As a result, his design was given a more modern look in the MCU.

But since the Marvel Studios has embraced the comic-accurate aesthetic in recent years, Zola should look closer to the source material if he returns to the franchise.
