Captain America: Ranking Every Movie From Worst To Best

Where does Civil War fit in the Star-Spangled Avenger's outings?

By Alex Leadbeater /


With Captain America: Civil War storming into cinemas as the year's most anticipated film, it seems almost crazy to think that only five years ago the prospect of the Star-Spangled Avenger on the big screen was a shaky one. He was too goody-goody to make an interesting lead, too patriotic to work financially and too silly to win over an audience weaned on brooding Batman and super-cool Iron Man. Well, how wrong we were - the character who was once described in his own movie (the 1990 version) as not quite being Superman is now the king of the superhero.


Much of this is down to Chris Evans, who fits the role so well it's hard to consider he was also a damn-good Johnny Storm once upon a time. From the down-trodden yet caring pre-transformation Steve Rogers to the heartbroken man out of time, he just is the icon. No wonder he's recently gone back on the previous statements of wanting to hang up the wings - where else could he get such a consistently interesting, exciting character that so connects with audiences?

It's worth noting that Evans hasn't been in a bad movie as Cap, which is not only good for his ego, but also makes making ranking the movies a much more exciting prospect than some other heroes (cough, cough, cough). As Civil War pits the Avengers against each other, let's likewise take a look back at Steve Rogers' cinematic outings, from period war homages to gigantic team-ups against an apocalypse-inclined robot, and see how they all stack up.


Honourable Mention - Thor: The Dark World


Before someone points it out in the comments, yes, Captain America does briefly appear in Thor: The Dark World - in a mocking of Thor's Earth-leanings, Loki briefly transforms into Steve Rogers, quipping "Want to have a rousing discussion about truth, honour, patriotism?"

But that's an in-joke, little more than Cap's shield somehow being in Tony Stark's workshop in Iron Man 2, and as it didn't count towards Chris Evans' contract, it doesn't count here either.
