Casting Ava DuVernay's New Gods

Can Gwendoline Christie play another legendary warrior?

By Fergal Harte /

For a while now, Ava DuVernay's New Gods movie, much like many of DC's on-screen projects, remained shrouded in mystery with the only details on it being the group that will be featured and the director attached.


Though, recently, we finally got a scrap of news to chew on, that being that the writer of the massively well-regarded and successful Mister Miracle series, Tom King, is now on board to write the movie. It's more than likely that we won't hear anything else for a good while longer, but the addition of King at least gives us some sort of indication as to the direction the film may end up in and with it the perfect opportunity to cast the characters of the movie.

Jack Kirby's pantheon of gods is a vast one, but here are the actors that should play the key members of the Fourth World...

10. Lightray - Dev Patel

The actor has been in quite the number of films over the years and a wide variety of different genres too, his performances in each of them just serving to show diverse range of talent that he has - talent which should be put to use as the character of Lightray.


As the character's name may suggest, Lightray is often the bright, optimistic presence of the worlds of the New Gods, such a personality that Patel has previously depicted in movies such as Chappie - hence why he would suit this role.

And, while it may be an inconsequential detail in the grand scheme of the movie, the longer hair that Patel often sports would really work with the flowing style that Lightray usually has - making Patel a solid fit from a visual standpoint also.
