Casting Star Trek: The Next Generation Reboot

Going where a few people have gone before.

By Stephen Patterson /

When it comes to the inevitable passage of time, resistance is futile. People grow old. Things become forgotten. And franchises get rebooted.


Star Trek: The Next Generation is now over 30 years old, fondly remembered by fans, but relatively stagnant otherwise, drifting through the media void like a ship without power. In a culture chock full of superheroes, Star Wars, and weirdly unfunny action comedies, there seems to be little room for a smart little sci-fi show.

Yet the hunger is there. With the success of the new Star Trek: Discovery series, there's clear evidence that Star Trek can survive in this brave new world, and what better way than a reboot to bring forward the Next Generation of Starfleet explorers? Er, the Next NEXT Generation, that is.

And just like the original TNG, any reboot will likely live or die by the quality of the characters. The Bridge crew on TNG were memorable and likeable, with interesting storylines more concerned with exploring other cultures than it was about blasting CGI creatures.

And to portray the best characters, you need the best actors.

So let us boldly go through these casting picks together, in the hopes that this time whoever plays Riker can sit on chairs properly.

10. Natasha Yarr/Sela - Zazie Beetz

While Star Trek has never been the most physical of franchises, Natasha Yarr is (was) the Head of Security aboard the enterprise, so if anyone's going to be getting into fights, it's her.


So to fill the curb stomping boots of such a character, you need an actress who can be tough when she needs to be. You need an actress like Zazie Beetz.

With roles in films like Deadpool 2 and Geostorm, Beetz is an expert in playing tough talking and snarky characters, though she'd have to tone down the snark when on the bridge - chain of command and all that. Hopefully she'll be able to do more than just that weird two handed punch, though.

Beetz is also a regular of serialised television, meaning she'd know exactly how and when to flesh out the character over weeks rather than hours.

What's more, a fresh look at Natasha Yarr would be a good chance to develop the character and give her more to do in general. Disappointingly, Yarr was little more than set dressing in most of her appearances, which is what led to her being killed off before the end of the first season. But if history does repeat itself, Beetz can always come back as Sela.
