You might not necessarily put the two together, but the more you think about it, the more Channing Tatum seems like a fitting choice for the role of X-Men's Gambit. And that's probably a good thing, given that the actor - after reportedly campaigning at length for the part - has apparently nabbed the role of one of the most iconic characters in the franchise for future X-Men movies. So that's goodbye Taylor Kitsch, and hello Channing Tatum. Channing Tatum... talking in a Cajurn accent? Hey, it could work! And worst case scenario: it will be totally hilarious, surely? The news of Tatum's casting came via X-Men producer Lauren Schuler Donner, who spoke out about the actor's "unofficial" casting in the role: "Well you know he's a rogue, Channing," she said. "He's a rascal, just like Remy LeBeau, and he can handle the action, we all know that. He's got a really good heart, because I know him personally, I did a movie with him. So I think he'll be great, he'll be great for Gambit, and he's a southerner too, he's not from New Orleans but he is a southerner and he understands that world, and you know Gambit loves New Orleans." So what do you make of this news, then? Do you think Channing is wrong for the part, or does he have what it takes to bring the character to life? Can you imagine him dressed as Gambit, throwing cards about like it's nobody's business, or has this got doomed written all over it? Maybe you were hoping that Taylor Kitsch would reprise the role, considering the warm reception he received from fans for his brief turn as the character in the otherwise terrible X-Men Origins: Wolverine? Expect Tatum to turn up in X-Men: Apocalypse come 2015, then. What do you reckon? Good casting or bad casting? Let us know in the comments section below.