Comic Con 2018: 10 Things We Wanted Announced (But Weren't)

All the panels we wanted but didn't get.

By William Jones /

Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con has become the place to debut big news about franchise filmmaking. And Comic-Con 2018 was no different. From first trailers for Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Aquaman, Shazam!, and more to announcements and panels on the state of films such as Venom and Fantastic Beasts, this year's convention housed a handful of enormous reveals.


And as wonderful as that all is, it doesn't stop us from wishing there was more.

With so many huge films on the horizon for 2019 (just look at a list of them, it is actually insane how many huge blockbusters are coming out next year) there was just so many of them that audiences didn't get first looks at. From new Star Wars films to upcoming Marvel projects, there are so many films we're dying to know more about and Comic-Con wasn't quite able to scratch that itch.

On top of this, there are also several allegedly-in-the-works films that continue to remain in varying states of confirmation that could have really used a Comic-Con announcement to earn the goodwill of the fans. These are all the film we wanted to be covered at Comic-Con 2018, but didn't get.

10. Man Of Steel 2

For all of the DC news that was covered at Comic-Con, there were also some very notable silences. DC and Warner Bros. have announced a slew of films that have yet to see hardly any development such as Matt Reeve's Batman film, the Birds of Prey movie, or even the Green Lantern Corps.


But perhaps the most blindingly obvious silence was that of Man of Steel 2. For years now, DC has continued to promise that the big blue boy scout would be getting another solo outing. Originally, it was set to be directed by Snyder following his two-part Justice League film. But pretty obviously, that isn't happening anymore.

With DC quite clearly turning on its heal in terms of the tone of its universe with the Justice League reshoots and the trailers for Aquaman and Shazam!, Man of Steel 2 now has the chance to be a very different kind of Superman film. And with the absence of Marvel and all the positivity surrounding DC's trailers, Comic-Con 2018 would have been the perfect place to at least make an announcement on the super-sequel.

Considering that Cavill is currently starring in one of the best-reviewed action films of the decade, Mission: Impossible - Fallout, and that director Christopher McQuarrie has openly expressed interest in making a Superman film, it would have been a perfect time to announce the pair would be teaming up again for Man of Steel 2.

Alas, Superman will just have to settle for some easter eggs and a possible cameo in Shazam! instead.
