Countdown to Cannes 2012: Cosmopolis

Will Cronenberg return to his full frontal body shock roots with this Robert Pattinson led oddity? Here's hoping.

By Simon Gallagher /

You could never accuse David Cronenberg of abandoning his artistic agenda: he is arguably one of the few so purely locked in auteurs of this generation. Yes A Dangerous Method might not have been one for the Cronenberg die-hards, but Cosmospolis promises to return the strange with full force. Here's the official synopsis:
New York is in turmoil, the age of capitalism is drawing to a close end. Eric Packer, a high finance golden boy, dives into a white limousine. While a visit from the President of the United States paralyses Manhattan, Eric Packer has one obsession: getting a haircut at his barber€™s at the other end of the city. As the day goes by, chaos sets in, and he watches helplessly as his empire collapses. Also he is sure that someone is going to assassinate him. When? Where? He is about to live the most decisive 24 hours of his life.
It might not be the easiest watch we'll get on the Croisette this year, but it is bound to be an experience...

Reasons To be Excited

It's Cronenberg The man has pedigree, and that is some kind of understatement, while The odd-sounding concept should also appease those hardcore fans who were turned off by the director's most recent, safer project choices. Hopefully we will be treated to bona-fide premium brand Cronenberg and not a watered down commercially dark version, because we need it. The Source Typically for a Cronenberg project, Cosmopolis looks bonkers, but it comes from the Don DeLillo novel of the same name, and one thing DeLillo guarantees is quality. Cosmopolis is ironically probably DeLillo's least heralded novel, but it offers just enough intrigue to prick up the ears of those Cronenberg fans who are only ever looking for the next Videodrome. Robert Pattinson... Another unfortunately pigeon-holed actor - along with Shia LaBeouf and Zac Efron - looking to launch a wholly new direction in his career with a bold new project. Cosmopolis has the potential to do for Pattinson what Taxi Driver did for De Niro, establishing him as a dark, edgy talent and opening a world of new roles for him going forward. He certainly has ability, as he has proved in flashes, and hopefully the film will take away some of the Twilight stigma for mainstream audiences. ...And The Rest of the Cast While it ostensibly looks like a one man show, and presumably Pattinson fans will only have eyes for their favourite quarry, the rest of the cast fits this year's festival's preoccupation with heavy-hitting talents. Alongside Pattinson, we have the excellent Kevin Durand, Jay Baruchel, Juliette Binoche, Mathieu Amalric, Samantha Morton and the always watchable Paul Giamatti rounding out what looks like a very impressive, character-actor led cast. The Trailer Look out for Matt's review when Cosmopolis screens in Cannes next week.