Samantha Morton
Cosmopolis Review: A Disastrous Misfire From Cronenberg
It is the sort of film that shouldn’t be cynically propping itself up with a name draw like…
Cannes 2012: Cosmopolis Review
Arguably the most assured Cronenberg's directing has ever been. Unfortunately, it's also at its…
Countdown to Cannes 2012: Cosmopolis
Will Cronenberg return to his full frontal body shock roots with this Robert Pattinson led…
John Carter Review: Lovingly Made Pulp Fantasy With Boring Human Characters
Pixar veteran Andrew Stanton's debut live action effort is polished, occasionally spectacular…
Watch John Carter Super Bowl Trailer - 'Avatar Meets Star Wars Prequels'
Walt Disney Pictures epic based on Edgar Rice Burrough's fantasy hero opens March 9th.