Creepy One Missed Call poster

The Ring rip-off gets an effectively creepy poster but I can't help but feel this movie is five years to late.

By Matt Holmes /

One Missed Call, the latest Hollywood re-workings of a Japanese horror flick has had trouble written over it for months. A plot that sounds like the bastard child of Final Destination and The Ring with two uninteresting actors, which has been given the dead January release slot... which unless your film is called White Noise, it's not really a good time to be coming out. In One Missed Call, which stars Ed Burns & Shannyn Sossamon, people start receiving voice-mails on their phone from their future selves detailing the date and time of their death, and when folks begin to drop like flies around them then soon realise it isn't a joke. A new poster for the remake is below and I guess it's kinda creepy. Maybe if the year was 2002 and it was in the recent post-Ring era then I might be interested in this, it's just I've felt like I've seen this movie at least three times before now.

source - shock till you drop